17 December 2012

Nenshi: "I support the Urban Hen Egg Laying Pilot Project"

Here's a photo of Naheed Nenshi at the Calgary Food Policy Council's  Mayoral Forum on Food Security and Sustainability two days before becoming elected as Calgary's Mayor, seated beside Jon Lord, another mayoral candidate.
Forum: 16Oct2010
Calgary Civic Election 18Oct2010 
At the forum Naheed Nenshi stated: 
"I support the Urban Hen Egg Laying Pilot Project"

Here's the Huffington Post Blog asking Mayor Nenshi, Calgary City Council and Animal Bylaw Services to resurrect the Urban Hen Egg Laying Pilot Project...

 Resurrect the Urban Hen Egg Laying Pilot Project

Official document from Canadian Food Inspection Agency on Backyard Flocks. For the record, the CFIA has no opposition to Urban Hens.