17 December 2012

Nenshi: "I support the Urban Hen Egg Laying Pilot Project"

Here's a photo of Naheed Nenshi at the Calgary Food Policy Council's  Mayoral Forum on Food Security and Sustainability two days before becoming elected as Calgary's Mayor, seated beside Jon Lord, another mayoral candidate.
Forum: 16Oct2010
Calgary Civic Election 18Oct2010 
At the forum Naheed Nenshi stated: 
"I support the Urban Hen Egg Laying Pilot Project"

Here's the Huffington Post Blog asking Mayor Nenshi, Calgary City Council and Animal Bylaw Services to resurrect the Urban Hen Egg Laying Pilot Project...

 Resurrect the Urban Hen Egg Laying Pilot Project

Official document from Canadian Food Inspection Agency on Backyard Flocks. For the record, the CFIA has no opposition to Urban Hens.

15 November 2012

CLUCK Canada has a new Facebook Page & Twitter!

Our new Twitter: @CLUCKCanada

Our new Facebook Page: CLUCK Canada

23 August 2012

New Date for Canadian Right to Food Trial Decision: 05Sept2012

Canadian Right to Food Trial Update:Proceeding with the bring forward request to have this matter set for the new date of Wednesday, September 5, 2012 in Courtroom 1106 at 1:30 p.m. Calgary Courthouse.
~Paul FoodJustice Hughes

09 August 2012

08 May 2012

Toronto Chickens issues statement on Canadian Right to Food Trial delay

The Charter Challenge Revised Decision Date 
For IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The working group of backyard chicken owners in Toronto, Toronto Chickens, is committed to challenging any municipal notices given while we await a verdict in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms challenge that has been undertaken by Calgarian Paul Hughes.

Mr. Hughes’ court case challenging his city's bylaws that disallow the possession of urban chickens took place from March 5 to 9th, 2012. Toronto Chickens is eagerly awaiting the judge's decision, which has been delayed until after September 14th.

Toronto Chickens is a large group of Torontonians fighting to revise a bylaw that does not allow citizens the freedom to raise chickens on their property. We are uniting in our front to fight any infraction notices we receive until we have a definitive decision from the Calgary case. We call upon Toronto city councilors and city bylaw officers to suspend enforcement of the animal bylaw pertaining to backyard chickens until the results of this case are determined. This court trial is based on a constitutional challenge and, therefore, the decision will impact all Canadians municipalities.

For further information contact: TorontoChickens@gmail.com

28 April 2012

CLUCK on Facebook

12 February 2012

Canadian Right to Food Trial: 05-09March2012 in Calgary, Alberta

The decision of the trial judge will impact 35 million Canadians.

The CR2FT originated with a bylaw infraction for the possession of urban chickens in Calgary, Alberta. It has since evolved and morphed into a complex legal argument involving such issues as :

A) The jurisdiction of a municipality to determine what we consume.

B) The default consumption model for citizens when personal production, cultivation, growing, raising & household food security is denied.

C) Sustainability of urban ag methods.

D) The Right to Food as guaranteed and protected by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 25 and subsequent legislation, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966

E) The unconstitutionality of the City of Calgary bylaw based on The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1982, S1, S2, S7 & S15 arguments. Substantial breach and violation of rights.

F) The hypocrisy of the City of Calgary's public policies, three of which have been ratified and approved by council.

G) Poor governance practices on the part of the City of Calgary which contravene the Alberta Municipal Government Act, MGA:M-26-3:

Municipal :
3) The purposes of a municipality are:
(a) to provide good government

H) International obligations and responsibilities, pursuant to the UNHRD & ICESSCC.

I) Appropriate remedy. This is presumably based on reasonableness.

As you can read, chicken has not been mentioned once in these 9 points. It is no longer an argument about chickens, per se. The CR2FT is a Right to Food issue now, with consequences that impact all Canadians.

22 countries now have a Right to Food enshrined in their constitution as a result of each nation embracing their international obligations, as set forth in the UNHRD.

It is Canada's turn to meet its international responsibilities and obligations, and to protect the charter rights of its citizens.

Canadian Right 2 Food Trial set for 05-09March2012 in Calgary, Alberta #yyc #yyccc #urbanag #ableg #cdnpoli #art25 #UN #food #agchat

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

"Within the contours of the three rights that it protects, Section 7 (of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms) has potential for advancing social justice. By this I mean, s. 7 has potential for providing an appropriate amount of protection to individuals from injurious state action, corresponding to their reality within a state - controlled regime or system." ~James Hendry

 ~Thank you, Julie Chen for the artwork